Superman (1978)

Director: Richard Donner
Writers: Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster (character created by: Superman)
Stars: Christopher Reeve, Margot Kidder, Gene Hackman

Unlike Icarus, Superman gains his powers from the sun, but in this scene the writers borrow from Peter Pan and the flight with Wendy to Neverland. Lois Lane is dressed in her nightgown, just as Wendy was, and the scene is like a ballet dance in the sky with Superman instead of Peter Pan. The night flight is dreamlike, magical, and the use of low light imitates a full moon night. Most of these types of scene use theater-style pulley-and-rope systems which have been rigged together. In modern films, there are other contraptions to assist in mimicking flight. Take a look at the link below at some behind-the-scenes rigging. Click on the text to look behind the scenes of Maleficent (Robert Stromberg, 2019)